Skillshot Media invites you to join us at

animation Summit 2024

Animaition studio leaders, working professionals, and students connect to share best practices and opportunities in film, tv, games, AR/VR, and digital entertainment!
Early Access ticket pricing and bundles available now for a limited time, and we hope to see you in Atlanta.

Exclusive Discount Package Available For You
UNTIL 5/23/2024


% off

May 23, 2024: Animation Summit conference

Welcome ASIFA South Members and Friends!

You are invited to join us at Animation Summit 2024 at a discount thanks to the partnership between ASIFA South and Skillshot Media & Ghost Gaming. Come help us grow the creative community and unlock additional animation opportunities and projects in Georgia.

interested in the offer?

Keen to forge meaningful connections and explore opportunities? Your next step is just a click away. Dive into our networking hub where possibilities unfold, conversations thrive, and collaborations spark. Click below to connect and cultivate relationships that matter. Let's make it happen together.

Secure a Ticket

animation summit 2024

What is Animation Summit?

Animation Summit is a gathering of studio leaders, working professionals, educators, and students in the animation industry. Join us for networking and panels that provide true industry insights!

Check out the video below of Esports Summit 2023 showcase to get a taste of the event!


Mixers & Networking
Behind the scenes tour
Anime Music Video Viewing
Industry Panel
